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"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. EmptyСб Июл 16, 2011 6:40 pm автор Admin
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Сообщения : 2882
Дата регистрации : 2011-05-09
Откуда : Чикаго, Владимирской обл.

"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. Empty
СообщениеТема: "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения.   "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. EmptyСб Авг 20, 2016 1:52 pm

Открываю эту тему, чтобы обменяться материалами с Schakty, по тематике, так называемого, "Холокоста".

Подниму, что у меня есть на эту тематику и выложу здесь.

Коллеги, приглашаю поучаствовать.
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Сообщения : 113
Дата регистрации : 2013-10-25
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"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения.   "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. EmptyСб Авг 20, 2016 6:29 pm

Начнем со статьи из русской вики-энциклопедии: https://traditio.wiki/%D0%A5%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82
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Сообщения : 2882
Дата регистрации : 2011-05-09
Откуда : Чикаго, Владимирской обл.

"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения.   "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. EmptyВс Авг 21, 2016 9:57 am

Хорошая подборка перечислений, как шла игра в 6 млн евреев


потом добавлю примеры из современной истории.

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Сообщения : 2882
Дата регистрации : 2011-05-09
Откуда : Чикаго, Владимирской обл.

"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения.   "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. EmptyВс Авг 21, 2016 10:17 am

Смерти в лагерях из-за эпидемии тифа - http://www.ibiblio.org/team/history/controversy/abutz/deaths.html
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Сообщения : 2882
Дата регистрации : 2011-05-09
Откуда : Чикаго, Владимирской обл.

"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения.   "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. EmptyВс Авг 21, 2016 12:18 pm

Игры с цифрами умерших в Auschwitz, от взятых с потолка до реальных, во всех концентрационных лагерях:

Cited by the French documentary,
Night and Fog, which has been shown to millions of school students worldwide.

8,000,000 The French War Crime Research Office,
December 31, 1945.

Also cited by the French War Crime Research Office.

Cited in the book “Auschwitz Doctor” by Miklos Nyiszli. It has since been proven that this book is a fraud and the "doctor" was never even at Auschwitz, even though the book is often cited by historians.

5,000,000 to 5,500,000
Cited in 1945 at the trial of Auschwitz commander Rudolf Höss, based on his “confession” which was written in English, a language he never spoke.

Cited on April 20, 1978 by the French daily, Le Monde. Also cited on January 23, 1995 by the German daily Die Welt. By September 1, 1989, Le Monde reduced the figure to 1,433,000.

In 1945 this figure was cited by another witness at the aforementioned Höss trial.

Cited by a Soviet document of May 6, 1945 and officially acknowledged by the Nuremberg War Crimes trial. This figure was also reported in The New York Times on April 18, 1945, although 50 years later on January 26, 1995 (see below), The New York Times and The Washington Post slashed the figure to 1,500,000 citing new findings by the Auschwitz Museum officials. In fact, the figure of 4,000,000 was later repudiated by the Auschwitz museum officials in 1990 (see below) but the figure of 1,500,000 victims was not formally announced by Polish President Lech Walesa until five years after the Auschwitz historians had first announced their discovery.

Cited in the 1991 edition of the Dictionary of the French Language and by Claude Lanzmann in 1980 in his introduction to Filip Müller's book,
“Three Years in an Auschwitz Gas Chamber”

Cited in a forced confession by Rudolf Höss, the Auschwitz commander who said this was the number of those who had died at Auschwitz prior to Dec. 1, 1943.  Later cited in the June 7, 1993 issue of Heritage, the most widely read Jewish newspaper in California, even though three years previously the authorities at the Auschwitz museum had scaled down the figure to a minimum of 1,100,000 and a maximum of 1,500,000. (see below).

Cited by a famous "witness to the Holocaust," Rudolf Vrba, when he testified on July 16, 1961 for the Israeli government's war crimes trial of former SS official Adolf Eichmann.

Cited by no less than three famous Holocaust historians, including Leon Poliakov (1951) writing in “Harvest of Hate”; Georges Wellers, writing in 1973 in “The Yellow Star at the Time of Vichy”; and Lucy Dawidowicz, writing in 1975 in “The War Against the Jews.”

2,000,000 to 4,000,000
Cited by Israeli historian Yehuda Bauer in 1982 in his book, “A History of the Holocaust.” However, by 1989 Bauer revised his figures and determined that the actual number was lower: 1,600,000.

This is a 1989 revision by Israeli historian Yehuda Bauer of his earlier figure in 1982 of 2,000,000 to 4,000,000, Bauer cited this new figure on September 22, 1989 in The Jerusalem Post, at which time he wrote' 'The larger figures have been dismissed for years, except that it hasn't reached the public yet."

1,500,000 In 1995 this was the “official" number of Auschwitz deaths announced by Polish President Lech Walesa as determined by the historians at the Auschwitz museum. This number was inscribed on the monument at the Auschwitz camp at that time, thereby "replacing" the earlier 4,000,000 figure that had been formally repudiated (and withdrawn from the monument) five years earlier in 1990. At that time, on July 17, 1990 The Washington Times reprinted a brief article from The London Daily Telegraph citing the "new" figure of 1,500,000 that had been determined by the authorities at the Auschwitz museum. This new figure was reported two years later in a UPI report published in the New York Post on March 26, 1992. On January 26, 1995 both The Washington Post and The New York Times cited this 1,500,000 figure as the new "official" figure (citing the Auschwitz Museum authorities).

This is a 1983 figure cited by historian Georges Wellers who (as noted previously) had determined, writing in 1973, that some 2,000,000 had died. In his later calculation, Wellers decided that of the 1,471,595 who had died at Auschwitz, 1,352,980 were Jews.

This figure was cited on September 1, 1989 by the French daily, Le Monde, which earlier, on April 20, 1978, had cited the figure at 4,000,000.

In 1985, historian Raul Hilberg arrived at this figure in his book, “The Destruction of the European Jews.” According to Hilberg, of those dead, some 1,000,000 were Jews.

1,100,000 to 1,500,000
Sources for this estimate are historians Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum (later of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum) in their 1984 book, “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp”; also Dr. Franciszek Piper, the curator of the  Auschwitz Museum, writing a chapter in that book. This estimate was later also cited by Walter Reich, former director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, writing in The Washington Post on September 8, 1998. The upper figure of 1,500,000 thus remains the "official" figure as now inscribed at Auschwitz, with the earlier figure of 4,000,000 having been removed from the memorial at the site of the former concentration camp.

Jean-Claude Pressac, writing in his 1989 book “Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers.” This is interesting since he wrote his book to repudiate so-called "Holocaust deniers" who were called that precisely because they had questioned the numbers of those who had died at Auschwitz.

Reported on August 3, 1990 11, by Aufbau, a Jewish newspaper in New York.

800,000 to 900,000
Reported by Gerald Reitlinger in his 1953 book, “The Final Solution.” This figure is notable, considering the fact that it reduces the Auschwitz death total from the 4,000,000 figure that was widely in vogue in 1953.

775,000 to 800,000
Jean-Claude Pressac's revised figure, put forth in his 1993 book, “The Crematoria of Auschwitz: The Mass Murder's Machinery”, scaling down the figure from Pressac's 1989 claim of 1,000,000 dead. At this juncture, Pressac said that of the new number, 630,000 were Jews.

630,000 to 710,000
In 1994 Pressac scaled his figure down somewhat further; this is the figure cited in the German language translation of Pressac's 1993 book originally published in French. Again, this is substantially less than Pressac's 1989 figure of 1,000,000.

73 137 - Auschwitz
403 713 - всего в лагерях
This figure was reported in The New York Times on March 3, 1991 and was based entirely on the wartime German concentration camp records that had been captured by the Soviets and just recently released. According to this figure, of those dead, 38,031 were Jews. These records state that the total of all persons who died in the ENTIRE German prison camp system from 1935 to 1945 were 403,713. To repeat: a total of 403,713 persons of all races and religions was officially recorded to have died (of all causes. typhus, old age, measles, etc.-and execution) in the entire prison camp system over a 10 year period. Of those 403,713 a total of 73,137 died at Auschwitz. Of those 73,137 who died at Auschwitz, 38,031 were Jews.

271 301 - всего в перечисленных лагерях (не учтены, например, прибалтийские лагеря), всех этнических групп.

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Пересчёт в 80-х

"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. 6-mln-total-deaths-2

Последний раз редактировалось: RareMan (Вс Авг 21, 2016 3:31 pm), всего редактировалось 1 раз(а)
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Сообщения : 781
Дата регистрации : 2013-12-04
Откуда : где-то в России

"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения.   "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. EmptyВс Авг 21, 2016 1:24 pm

Подборка о холокосте на сайте ru-an:

Там же статья о трехтомном официальном отчёте о работе Международного Красного Креста в концентрационных лагерях нацистской Германии.
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Сообщения : 2882
Дата регистрации : 2011-05-09
Откуда : Чикаго, Владимирской обл.

"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения.   "Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. EmptyВс Авг 21, 2016 4:06 pm

Про Ирак 1991

"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. 6-mln-Iraq-1991

"Холокост" - Жертва Всесожжения. 6-mln-Iraq-1991-2

Про "Красный Террор"

" As we know today, the largest suffering of mankind between the two world wars was happening in the Soviet Union, so one would expect that the Zionist organizations would name the Red Terror as one main reason for the claimed sufferings of Jews. But this didn’t happen until later.
The reason for that can be deduced from one example, shedding bright light onto how the New York Times viewed the situation of Jews in the Soviet Union. In late 1922, this newspaper reported that there were some hostilities toward Jews in the Ukraine, but that this was stamped out violently with the help of a Jewish army of allegedly 500,000 soldiers – an army that could have been formed and operated only with the consent of the new Soviet authorities.
In other words: Considering the terror inflicted upon the civil population of the early Soviet Union in general and the Ukraine in particular by armed and unarmed units of the Soviet authorities, it must be assumed that this Jewish army was one important factor causing terror rather than defending against it. And the New York Times depicted this essential part of Red Terror as heroic, justified Jewish self-defense.

This attitude can be understood if one keeps in mind that many Zionist Jews looked at the new Soviet Union as a Jewish dominated and controlled experiment of a Jewish led country free of anti-Judaism."
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