(Мне всегда хочется произнести Палестина, как
Палёный Стан...)
Мы не должны Древнюю Палестину представлять обязательно на месте современной Палестины, хоть пока и нет зацепок.
Идиш - это германизированный язык
Западных Славян..., который также содержит
Семитский Язык.
Ashkenaz- son of Gomer, son of Japheth - Germany, Scandia, saxons Jews have identified Ashkenaz with Germany. In fact, to this day, German Jews are known as the Ashkenazi. This term is traced all the way back to the sons of Noah.
Some ethnologists claim the name Ashkenaz was also preserved within the names Scandia and Saxon, as peoples migrated into Denmark.
Other descendants from Ashkenaz stayed in Armenia. Strabo called these the Sakasene, very closely related to the word Saxon.
Meshech's (впёрлись на ЧУЖУЮ территорию)
influence can plainly be seen in the names Muskovi, the former name for Russian, and Moscow, the Russian capital.
Tubal has been identified on certain Assyrian monuments as the Tibareni, and more than likely his name is preserved in the modern day Russian city of Tobolsk.
Madai (вспомните карту из Изложения, потом мы добавим карту
Империи Сирия)
- son of Japheth - Medes, in part Persians, Aryans
It is nearly unanimous that Madai was the ancestor of the Medes.
The Medes settled in modern day Persia. Along with the Semitic Elamites, the line of Madai were perhaps ancestors of the Persians as well.
As stated above, Madai was one of two sons of Noah responsible for the Persian Empire.
It was by means of Madai and his descendants that the Aryans arose. The Aryans later moved into India, and became the ancestors of the Indian peoples.
Magog = Ma+Gog = Земля Гога
In addition, in the Hebrew language “Gog” carried the meaning of “high” or “supreme”, so it was also a title, similar to how the titles Pharaoh or Caesar referred to the
kings of Egypt and Rome. (то есть, РоксАлания, Царская Скития...)
И самое интересное, лежащее на поверхности, но "никем" не замечаемое:
Семиты - название происходит от
- покажите Пределы Симовы на карте.Это - в помощь: